Thursday, May 22, 2008


For the past few years I've been in the habit of sitting on our back deck every morning to read my bible. Rain or shine, summer or winter, it's time for me to listen to what God might want me to know that day. In this season of rebirth I often wonder how anyone could believe that creation could be an accident.

Look at the detail in the Bleeding Heart. An accident? No.

Look at the design on the leaves of this Hosta. An accident? Not a chance.

Could the brilliant color of this Azalea be an accident of nature? I don't think so.

This Rhododendron flower is closed but in a few days will burst open and will be the size of a dinner plate, each petal in perfect symmetry creating something so beautiful it takes my breath away.

How is it possible that someone could look closely at creation and not see it as the sweetest of gifts from our loving Creator?

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